Crin Dije

Sale price Price $45.00 Regular price

Through out the Middle East, horsehair tassels are worn as talismans. These tassels are especially placed children clothing to protect them from malevolent spirits and ward off demons. We've been creating these tassels for some time now and each delicate piece is made by hand in our studio.

horses are not harmed / details are in gold filled / length can vary

Add the Amparo Catena which allows to add or remove our series of talismans and adjust the lengths - accommodating your needs. If you want to create your very own Amparo Series select this chain and continue to choose the dijes. We will deliver the Catena with its dijes ready for you to wear or gift. 


Amparo Braccialetto allows to add or remove our series of talismans and adjust the lengths - accommodating your needs. If you want to create your very own Amparo Series select this bracelet and continue to choose the dijes. We will deliver the Braccialetto with its dijes ready for you to wear or gift.